"Far from issues of the image and representation so commonly dominant in today's art, Pagk would rather trust his body, his hand and his heartbeat to organize his work." -Miguel Abreu
Paul Pagk is a modern artist who expresses paradoxes and tensions in the picture plane in the most lyrical way. Geometrical forms and lines are combined with organic shapes like paint drips or musical notes; his minimalist composition evokes bodily movement; his painting pulls us into its rendered dimension, but also expands the space we are actually in. His lines and colors are visually effective, but also musical and corporeal.
1978 to 1982:
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
Pas de Deux, Thomas Park Gallery, Seoul Korea
Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, France
Paul Pagk: Interaction, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris France
Paul Pagk, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris France
Oeuvres récentes, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris France
18 Drawings and 1 Painting, Studio 10, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Mesquite drawings, Some Walls, Oakland, CA, USA
Recent paintings, My red maybe your orange, even, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Children of the Revolution Cosmic Sex Poem, Exhibition, New York, USA
Home is where the heart is, Baukunst Galerie, Köln, Germany
Recent Paintings, Gallery Eric Dupont , Paris, France
To K from P with love, Markus Winter, Berlin, Germany
Aftermath & lexicon, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York, USA
Open Project Space, New York, USA
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Batlle Pagk (two person show) curated by Adrian Dannatt, Thomas Erben Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Galeries des études, ENAD Limoges-Aubusson, France
MACC, Fresnes, France
Le 10neuf, C.R.A.C. Montbéliard, France
Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
CRG Gallery, New York, USA
CRG Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Eric Dupont, Toulouse, France
Thread Waxing Space, New York, USA
Galerie Eric Dupont, Toulouse, France
Thread Waxing Space, New York, USA 1987: Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France
Galerie Simone L'Hermitte, Rouen, France
Jean-Marie Monthiers, Paris, France
A.P.A.C. Montpelier, France
“Doomed and Famous: Selections from the Adrian Dannatt Collection” at Miguel Abreu Gallery, in collaboration with Sequence Press, New York, USA
“Abstract Art from the Miettinen Collection” at Miettinen Collection, Berlin, Germany
“MULTILAYER” with 50 abstract artists, curated by Ivo Ringe and Juliane Rogge, at RAUM SCHROTH in Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, Germany
Constructed: Paul Pagk/ Cary Smith/Beverly Fishman/Marilyn Lerner/Joanna Poussette-Dart, curated by Barry Rosenberg, Contemporary Art Galleries, University of Connecticut, USA
La Couleur, curated by Jean-Pascal Léger, C.A.P. Royan, France – Quasar - La collection, curated by Emmanuel Lesgourgues, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Pau, France – Paper Works, Artelli Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium 2018: – Introspection: Paul Pagk/ Warner Berckmans, Artelli Gallery Brussels, Belgium
2D or Not 2D, Air Mattress Gallery, NYC, USA
The Idiosyncratic Pencil Exhibition, curated by Ann Stoddard, Harper Center for the Arts, SC, USA
Courant à contre-courant, curated by Emmanuel Lesgougues, Collection Quasar, Peyrehorade, France
Lunchbox Fund Benefit, NYC, USA
EXIL: Paul Pagk, Carlos Kusnir, Hyun Soo Choi, Damien Cabanes, Siobhan Liddell, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Goerk / Grytting / Pagk / Welish, ART 3 Silas Von Morisse Gallery, Brooklyn, USA
Summer installation of works by gallery artists Eileen Quinlan, Paul Pagk, Pieter Schoolwerth, Blake Rayne, Rochelle Goldberg, Miguel Abreu Gallery, NYC, USA
Social Photography V, Carriage Trade, NYC, USA
Visages de la ligne, Frac Picardie, Amiens France
Sequence 6: one work, one week Rochelle Goldberg, Paul Pagk, Aaron Flint Jamison, Pieter Schoolwerth, Miguel Abreu Gallery, NYC, USA
PPP Painters Painting on Paper @ Schema Projects, Brooklyn, USA
Mamie Holst and Paul Pagk, presented by Jane Kim 33 Orchard, NYC, USA
5x5, Edward Thorp Gallery, NYC, USA
Osamu Kobayashi and Paul Pagk, Mindy Solomon Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA
The 40th Anniversary Exhibition, Hal Bromm Gallery, NYC, USA
The Abstract Body, curated by Craig Stockwell, The Sharon Arts Centre, Peterborough, NH, USA
ON PAPER Mamie Holst and Paul Pagk, presented by Jane Kim, 33 Orchard, NYC, USA
Material Way, curated by Kathleen Kucka, Shirley Fitterman Art Gallery BMCC, NYC, USA
(S)ITATIONS, La beauté devient avant-garde une passion privée, Musée de Sarrebiurg, Sarrebourg, France
Summer Show, Focus on Painting, FL Gallery Milan, Italy
La main invente le dessin, Abbaye de Saint-Riquier, Frac Picardie, Amiens France
Pipe Dreams, Wishful Thinking, Grand Gestures & Dirty Lies, ACE Project Space. NYC, USA
Brooklyn Bridge, curated by Justine Frischmann, George Lawson Gallery, SF, USA
Social Photography III, Carriage Trade, NYC, USA
Come Together: Surviving Sandy, Year 1, curated by Phong Bui, Dedalus foundation, Brooklyn, USA
la main invente le dessin, centre culturel de rencontre, abbaye de saint-riquier, FRAC Picardie, France
Four Tet, JiM Comtempori, Barcelona, Spain
Emergence, A Proposition by: Katrin Bremermann, Erin Lawlor & Yifat Gat.
Hôtel de Sauroy,, Paris, France
Wit, curated by Joanne Freeman, Painting Center, New York, USA
Around the corner, Four Painters Living in Tribeca: Hermine Ford, Joanne Greenbaum, Paul Pagk, Gary Stephan, organized by Lucien Terras, New York, USA
Line and Plane, McKenzie Fine Art, New York, USA
Surface Affect, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York, USA
noir et blanc, Espace Henri Matisse, Creil, FRAC Picardie, France
Wavers, curated by EJ Hauser and Rob Nadeau, Brooklyn, USA
Ponctuation 8 /Inventer le dessin, Musée du dessin et de l’estampe originale, Gravelines, FRAC Picardie, France
Social Photography II, Carriage Trade, NYC, USA
A Romance of many Dimensions, curated by Brent Hallard, BrooklynArtistGym, Brooklyn, USA
A Review, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, USA
A few of my favorite things, The End, Brooklyn, USA
70 Years of Abstract Painting – Excerpts, Jason McCoy inc. New York, USA
Paper A-Z, Sue Scott Gallery, New York, USA
Geometric Days, curated by Papo Colo, Jeanette Ingberman, and Herb Tam, Exit Art, New York, USA
Social Photography I, Carriage Trade, NYC, USA
Painting and Sculpture, Foundation for Contemporary Art Benefit, Lehmann Maupin, New York, USA
Informal Relations curated by Scott Grow, Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art, Indianapolis, USA
Geometric Progressions, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, USA
Lush Life, curated by Franklin Evans and Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Scaramouche, New York, USA
A fleur de peau II – Le dessin à l’épreuve, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Present, curated by Jay Murphy, HP Garcia Gallery, New York, France
Group Show, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Untitled (On Paper), Moti Hasson Gallery, New York, USA
Inside the Pale, curated by Frank Schroder, Thrust Projects, New York, USA
Orthodoxe/Hétérodoxe : choisir sa ligne, Le 10neuf, C.R.A.C. Monbéliard, France
Beyond the Pale, curated by Candice Madey and Tairone Bastien, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York, USA
Trait, ligne, écrire l’espace, F.R.A.C Beauvais, France
Twist it Twice, curated by Franklin Evans, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York, USA
Hands up/Hand down, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York, USA
A fleur de peau, Galerie Eric Dupont, Paris, France
Excès de traits, Frac Picardie , Amiens, France
Le Cabinet 2, curated by Ann Philbin, FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France
Le Cabinet 1, curated by Gabriel Orozco, FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France
Zenroxy, curated by Ivan Vera, Von Lintel Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Martagon, Malacène, France
Recent acquisitions, FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France
Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA
C.R.A.C., Montbéliard, France
New York Draws, Gas-Works, London, and then Corner House, Manchester, UK
Current under current, Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA
Drawings, AC Project Room, New York, USA
Works on Paper, Alona Kagan & Jose Martos, New York, USA
Other Rooms, Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York, USA
Metamorphose Part II, Guillaume Gallozzi, New York, USA
Summer Exhibition, CRG Gallery, New York, USA
Logo Non Logo, curated by Robert C. Morgan and Pierre Restany, Thread Waxing Space, New York, and then to University of South Florida, USA
Centre Lotois D'Art Contemporain, Figeac, France
Written-Spoken-Drawn in Lacanian Ink, curated by Raphael Rubinstein, Thread Waxing Space, New York, USA
Drawings, Galerie Regards, Paris, France
Intérieurs, Musée Goya, Castres, France
Abstract Painting, curated by Robert C. Morgan, Nahan Contemporary, New York, USA
Three Painters, curated by Timothy Nye & Miguel Abreu, 470 Broome Street, New York, USA
Galerie Jacques Girard, Toulouse, France
Park Floral de Paris, Paris, France
Carte Blanche à Yves Michaud, CREDAC, Ivry, France
Centre Culturel de Brétigny, Brétigny-sur-Orge, France
L'Epure, curated by Yves Michaud, Galerie Beau Lézard, Paris, France
Journées Jeunes Créateurs, Espace Kiron, Paris, France
Sur Invitation, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France
55 Panoyaux, Paris, France
NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship in Painting
Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptures Grant
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation Individual Support Grant
Sheldon Bergh Award
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
Prix Fenéon, Université de la Sorbonne
New York Presbyterian-Cornell Hospital, New York, USA
Fonds National D'Art Contemporain (FNAC), France
Le Bon Marché (LVMH group), Paris, France
Springfield Museum of Art, Ohio, USA
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA
L'Artotec Limoges, France
FRAC Picardie, France
"Les Abattoirs", Musée de Toulouse, France
Ville de Brétigny-sur-Orge, France
Daniel Guionnet & Valérie Toubas, Point Contemporain, Portrait Paul Pagk, June-August 2021 David Ebony, Art in America, Memento Mori can Be Fun, March 2021
Mériam Korichi, “Labyrinths of Perception/Les labyrinthes de la Perception”, Book, PAUL PAGK Interaction, 2019
Stephen Maine, Two Coats of Paint, Review: The Abstract Zeigeist in Storrs -Beverly Fishman, Marilyn Lerner, Paul Pagk, Joanna Pousette-Dart, Cary Smith , Nov 2019
Daniel Guionnet & Valérie Toubas, Point Contemporain, Portrait Paul Pagk, Sept-Oct-Nov. 2019
Jean-Pascal Léger: Catalogue La couleur, C.A.P. Royan, France, 2019
Sophie de Santis, Le Figaro Art, Le Figaroscope Review/Coup de Coeur: Les couleurs musicales de Paul Pagk, Galerie Eric Dupont, April 2019
Point Contemporain Agenda, Paul Pagk, Galerie Eric Dupont, March 2019
Caroline Goldstein, Artnet Editors’ Picks: 11 Things to See in New York This Week: 1- Goerk/Welish/Pagk, August 2017
Paris-Art: Exil: Paul Pagk, Carlos Kusnir, Hyun Soo Choi, Damien Cabanes, Siobhan Liddell, Galerie Eric Dupont, 2017
Julie Crenn, Art Press review: Paul Pagk, 2016
Cécile de Hann, Artorismagazine: Paul Pagk, portrait, May 2016
Bill Clarke, Magenta Magazine: Paul Pagk, 33 Orchard Gallery, June 2015
Zachary Keeting & Christopher Joy, Gorky's Granddaugther: Paul Pagk, April 2015
Susan Happersett, Fibonaccisusan: Paul Pagk at 33 Orchard Gallery, February 2015
Anne Malherbe, Art Press Review: Paul Pagk, vivacité de l'abstraction, October 2014
Adrian Dannatt, Artcritical: Our Secret: Hidden Master Painter Paul Pagk, September 2014
Christopher Stout, Arts in Bushwick: Paul Pagk: 18 Drawings and 1 Painting, April 2013
Chris Ashley, Some Walls: Essay on The Mesquite Drawings, April 2011
Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint: Geometry is real, March 2011
Over 40, Under the Radar, Modern Painters: February 2011
Le blog Processbleu: Paul Pagk, September 2010
Brent Hallard, Visual Discrepancies: Conversation Paul Pagk with Brent Hallard, 2010
David Cohen, The Sun: "Idiosyncratic Intellectualism", March 8, 2007
Jacquelyn Lewis, Art Info: Interview; Paul Pagk at Moti Hasson, February 27, 2007
Franz Dahlem, DADURICH, To K from P. Berlin, Germany, 2007
Adrian Dannatt, Studio Visit on line, October, 2005
1990-2003 Prototypes, FRAC Picardie, Amiens, France 2003
Sarah Douglas, Art Newspaper Review, May 2003
Miguel Abreu, Connaissance des Arts, March 2002
Alexandre Grenier, Pariscope Review, September 2000
Damien Sausset, L'Oeil, September 2000
Franklin Sirmans, Catalogue essay Le 19, May 1999
Franklin Sirmans, Flash Art Review, March-April 1999
Robert C. Morgan, Review, January 15, 1998
Mark Van de Walle, ArtForum Review, November 1995
Robert C. Morgan, Catalogue essay "Logo Non Logo", November 1994
Raphael Meyer Rubinstein, Art in America Review, September 1993
Donald Kuspit, ArtForum Review, Summer 1993
Holland Cotter, The New York Times Review, April 1993
Daniel Pinchbeck, Art & Antiques (Openings), March 1993
Tim Nye, Catalogue interview by Tim Nye, Thread Waxing Space, March 1993
Laurence Cabidoche, Art Press Review, December 1992
Adrian Dannatt, Catalogue essay, Paris: Eric Dupont Gallery, September 1992
Jean-Louis Pinte, Figaro Scope "Un accent d'avant-garde", January-March 1992
Adrian Dannatt, Flash Art Review, January-February 1992
Robert C. Morgan, Tema Celeste "The Endgame", January-March 1992
Christopher Sweet, Art News Review, 1991
Stephen Westfall, Catalogue essay, Thread Waxing Space, New York, 1991
Raphael Meyer Rubinstein, Catalogue essay, Thread Waxing Space, New York, October 1991
Miguel Abreu, Catalogue essay, “Three Painters”, New York, October 1990
Patrick-Gilles Persin, Catalogue essay, Parc Floral de Paris, June 1988
Jean-Charles Agboton, Art Press Reviews, February 1988
Yves Michaud, Catalogue essay, “Carte Blanche” CREDAC, Ivry, December 1987
Bernard Cambon, Catalogue essay, “Quand les formes génèrent les existences”, Centre Culturel de Brétigny/Orge, March 1987
Jean-Louis Poitevin, Kanal “Promenade dans les Galeries Parisiennes”, March 1986